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  • Well Testing Services
Well Testing is a fundamental necessity in determining and evaluating the performance of a well, as well as assisting in decision making regarding its future early in its life.  Well testing is a means of gathering reliable data as soon as possible.  During a well test, the following information should be obtained:

BOTTOM HOLE DATA : Formation Flowing Pressure, Formation Static Pressure (Pressure Build-Up Survey), Formation Temperature and Formation Liquid Sample.

SURFACE DATA : Static Pressure, Stabilized Flowing Pressure/s, Stabilized Flowing Temperature, Gas Flow Rate, 011 Flow Rate, Water Production, Gas and Oil Gravities,and H2S Presence.

The equipment required to reliably obtain good results must be safe and adequate for the flowing conditions and locations, i.e. for gas or oil test, for high pressure or low flow rates, onshore or offshore, where safety and non-pollution are paramount in each and every case.

UNI-ARAB ENGINEERING AND OILFIELD SERVICES can provide all equipment from down hole pressure gauges through well heads, choke manifolds, heaters, separators, tanks, pumps and burning booms, as well as expert personnel with a wide range of experience and a history of successful well testing in the most demanding conditions both onshore and offshore.

COMMON FEATURES : Full bypass manifolding (Oil into Gas outlet bypass on 1440), Flocometer P.D. Meters for oil and water range 100 to 8600 B.P.D., Built in Shrinkage Tester, Twin Safety Relief Valves set at 720 and 790 PSI and 1350 to 1440 PSI, Set in protective frame on Oilfield Skid, Rupture head available if required, Controls operate on air or separator gas, Certified construction and design in accordance with Design and Code ASME Section VIII Div. 1 1983 Edition.
